Friday, December 5, 2008

My Oops. I Forgot to Mention the "Sell Anything" Book

I promised those on my email list that I would post briefly about Harry Browne's How to Sell Anything book. Don't miss this....

The late Harry Browne was a leading Libertarian. I don't care what your political views are -- forget his. He had something else to offer so valuable that you're kind of a fool if you don't want to know it. (IMHO.)

He was a consummate salesman, and face to face sales are just a subset of marketing, but a crucial one to at least understand when you write sales copy. Just 'cause you can't see your prospect doesn't mean they aren't a thinking, breathing, feeling person. They are. Any guru will tell you that sales copy needs to be conversational and personable -- that a new friend will believe you easier than a skeptic-stranger.

Browne's book takes that a step further, and it is cheap to buy! This great book (140+ pages) covers a "great truth" in the first six chapters: that there is a single, great, common motivator for every person who parts with their money. Once you understand that (and he is absolutely spot-on in his assessment), the rest of effective selling-marketing suddenly makes total sense, and doesn't seem near so complex any more.

The book costs $9.75 for a download, and is a must-have. There is no affiliate program for this, so here is the direct URL for the book:

Once on his home page (administered by his widow, apparently), just navigate past all the Libertarian stuff (if you want) and click your way to the book. It's the best $9.75 I've spent in years.


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