Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Barack Obama, Recession, and Your Finances

As the stock market keeps fibrillating its way through its current heart attack, and Barack Obama as president elect, consumers – you and I – are becoming very skittish about the economy. We tend to hold on to what we’ve got, just in case there might not be more of it tomorrow. That fear and tendency to horde our cash, however, will tend to bring about the very result we dread: deep recession.

But there is a group of select people who can weather this storm almost untouched.

They are the Effective Marketers. Simply put, those who align themselves with the right product or service for the hungriest buyers, and then communicate fully and motivatingly how the widget or waltz that they offer guarantees to stop the buyers’ pain, will win the buyers’ money. Great marketers do fine in any economy, because they are the problem solvers, and emotionally driven money does not care where it goes, as long as the emotional need is satisfied.

The nice thing is, powerful marketing prowess can be learned. It generally requires a large paradigm shift for many mere mortals, but every facet of it can be learned by any person who is willing to study and practice enough.

That means you. You can be a survivor in the hard times to come, as long as you’ve got the marketing knowledge and techniques you need.

So, where do you find such information? One way is to find one or more mentors: knowledgeable people who will teach you the marketing process, step by step. Or, if you don’t know truly successful people who qualify, then you must get your knowledge out of courses, books, videos, and webinars, like I have done. But, how can you know which courses or resources are effective, affordable, and necessary, and which ones are garbage?

I know, because I have bought and perused many of them, and I can tell you which are garbage, and which are gems. But even if you end up wasting a little money and time, you must dig in, today, and learn the best marketing techniques. If you don’t, you’ll miss out on the most comfortable profits during this recession in the economy.

Some fear that Barack Obama’s election will result in further financial ruin, but whether it does or not, there will be a lot less “recession” for those who know how to market effectively!

I invite you to learn it through my site,

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